

  • 职  称:动物医学与生物安全学院副教授
  • 联系电话:
  • 邮  箱:chenap@e-sportscast.net


2021.09 -至今, 兰州兽医太阳城赌场官方网站研究所,太阳城赌场官方网站研究员,博士生导师

2017.08 -2021.08,博士后,美国匹兹堡大学医学院

2017.01 -2017.07 中级科学家,美国ARL Pharm 药物分析检测公司

2009.08 -2012.06, 太阳城赌场官方网站研究助理,生物化学与分子生物学,美国路易斯安娜州立大学医学院


2012.08 -2017.08, 博士,化学与生物化学,美国俄克拉荷马大学

2005.09 -2009.06, 硕士,微生物学,武汉大学生命科学学院,分子病毒

2001.09 -2005.06, 学士,生物工程,华中农业大学生命科学与技术学院

中国农业科学院“青年英才计划”引进人才,目前主持项目,国家自然科学基金面上项目,甘肃省自然科学基金面上项目,以及甘肃省创新太阳城赌场项目等。太阳城赌场官方网站研究涉及感染性疾病病理条件下免疫微环境的调控机制及转化太阳城赌场官方网站研究。关注多种免疫细胞种类,包括巨噬细胞,NK细胞,树突细胞,T细胞和B细胞等在病理过程中的增殖,活化,归巢等动态变化及功能与机制。Cancer Discovery, Nature Cancer, Nature Cell Biology, J. Clin. Investig., Trends Analyt Chem., Anal. Chem., Anal. Chim. ActaSTAR Protocol等主流SCI期刊发表太阳城赌场官方网站研究论文三十余篇。申请专利项,其中美国专利一项。担任Sens. Actuators B Chem.Anal. Chim. ActaFood Chem., J. Chromatogr A20种国际主流杂志独立审稿人。Frontiers in Genetics 专题特刊特邀副主编 (2021-2023)。获得安捷伦优秀高效液相色谱太阳城赌场官方网站研究奖等各种奖项7项。



  1. Chen A, Jiang Y, Li Z, Wu L, Santiago U, Zou H, Can C, Sharma V, Guan Y, McCarl L H, Ma J, Wu Y, Michel J, Shi Y, Konnikova L, Amankulor N, Zinn P, Kohanbash G, Agnihotri S, Lu S, Lu X, Sun D, Gittes G, Wang Q, Xiao X, Yimlamai D, Pollack I, Camacho C, and Hu B (2021). Chitinase-3-like-1 protein complexes modulate macrophage-mediated immune suppression in glioblastoma. J. Clin. Investig. 131(16) (IF2022=15.9; highlight by Neuro-oncology) 
  2. Xiang P, Yang Y, Chen H, Chen A*, and Liu S* (2021). Liquid chromatography using ≤5 µm open tubular columns. Trends in Anal. Chem. 142:116321 (共同通讯. IF2022=12.2)
  3. Yang Y, Xiang P, Chen A*, and Liu S* (2021). Liquid chromatographic separation using 2-µm-i.d. open tubular column at elevated temperature. Anal. Chem..93(10): 4361-4364 (共同通讯. IF2022=7.4)
  4. Xiang P, Yang Y, Zhao Z, Chen A*, and Liu S* (2019). Experimentally validating open tubular liquid chromatography for peak capacity of 2000 in three hours. Anal. Chem. 91:10518-10523 (共同通讯. IF2022=7.4)
  5. Chen A, Lynch KB, Ren J, Lu JJ, and Liu S. (2017) Tunable electroosmotic-pump-based femto-liter pipette: A promising tool toward living-cell surgery. Anal. Chem. 89(20):10806-10812. (IF2022=7.4)
  6. Xiang P, Yang Y, Zhao Z, Wang J, Chen M*, Chen A*, and Liu S* (2020). Performing flow injection chromatography using a narrow open tubular column, Anal. Chim. Acta. 1109: 19-26 (共同通讯. IF2022=6.2)
  7. Li G, Wang S, Zhu Z, Chen A*, Liu S* (2019). Cam-based vibration-counter-balanced laser-induced fluorescence scanner for multiplexed capillary detection. Talanta.198:398-403 (共同通讯. IF2022=6.1).
  8. Liang Z, Huang P, Shen J, Wei J, Liang Y, Qian W, Dong H, Chen A*, and Yi C*(2023). Innate and adaptive immune responses against monkeypox. Emerging Microbes & Infections (Submitted共同通讯IF2002=15.9)
  9. Chen A*, Chao Y, Zou H, McCarl L, Kohanbash G, and Hu B*. (2023) Protocol to assess the antitumor efficacy of an immunotherapeutic peptide in syngeneic orthotopic glioma mouse models. STAR Protocols, Cell Press.4(1):102049 (第一作者,共同通讯)
  10. De G, Yang M, Cai W, Zhao Q, Lu L, and Chen A. (2023) Salvia miltiorrhiza augments endothelial cell function for ischemic hindlimb recovery. Biol. Chem. (IF2022=4.8)
  11. Srivastava R*, Labani-Motlagh A*, Chen A*, Yang F, Ansari D, Patel S, Ji H, Trasti S, Dodda M, Patel Y, Zou H, Hu B, and Yi G. (2023) Development of a human glioblastoma model using humanized DRAG mice for immunotherapy. Antib. Ther. (IF2022=4.7)
  12. Chen A*, and Liu S* (2022). Open tubular liquid chromatographic system for using columns with inner diameter of 2 μm. A tutorial. J. Chromatogr. A. 1673:463202 (第一作者,共同通讯 IF2022=4.6)
  13. Lynch KB*, Chen A*, Yang Y, and Liu S. (2017) High-performance liquid chromatographic cartridge with gradient elution capability coupled with UV absorbance and mass spectrometer for protein and peptide analysis. J. Sep. Sci..40(13):2752-2758 (IF2022=3.1)
  14. Chen A, Lu JJ, Gu C, Zhang M, Lynch KB, and Liu SR. (2015) Combining selection valve and mixing chamber for nanoflow gradient generation: toward developing an HPLC cartridge coupled with mass spectrometer for protein and peptide analysis. Anal. Chim. Acta.887:230-236 (IF2022=6.2)
  15. Chen A, Lynch KB, Wang X, Lu JJ, Gu C, and Liu S. (2014) Incorporating high-pressure electroosmotic pump and a nano-flow gradient generator into a miniaturized liquid chromatographic system for peptide analysis. Anal. Chim. Acta.844:90-98 (IF2022=6.2)
  16. De G*, Chen A*, Wu Z, Lv S, He G, and Qi Y. (2009) Overexpression of Pygopus2 protects HeLa cells from apoptosis induced by vinblastine. Biol. Chem.390, 157-165. (IF2022=4.8)